Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Francisco de Goya paintings

Francisco de Goya paintings
Filippino Lippi paintings
Here they recruited participants in the same way but this time measured their happiness at three time-points. The results again supported the theory with the effects of improved circumstances increasing Happiness, but the boost from a new activity being more lasting. Finally a third study along the same lines also found similar results.
Francisco de Zurbaran paintings
The study also tested how much these changes had been affected by hedonic adaptation (see sustainable happiness post) and variety. This was to make the comparison fair, so that both groups had not yet adapted to their new circumstances or activity and it was still providing variety - both factors thought important in sustainable Happiness.The results showed that those who had recently engaged in a new activity felt happier than those whose circumstances had improved. This provides some preliminary evidence but data collected over a period of time (longitudinal) is more convincing, so that is what Sheldon and Lyubomirsky (2006) did in their second study.

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