Friday, July 18, 2008

Amedeo Modigliani the Seated Nude painting

Amedeo Modigliani the Seated Nude painting
Gustav Klimt lady with fan painting
But his writing soon became a psychological link to his loved ones. As hope grew thin, he used the diary to tell his family the things he feared he might never get to say. Though Weber says escape was constantly on his mind, there was little opportunity. And even if he could have gotten away, an escape would have left his fellow hostages in danger of reprisal from their captors. "The problem is, you have seven other people out there that depend on you," he explains. "There just wasn't a good way to do it without hurting somebody else." On Jan. 24, it looked as if one of the hostages would be freed as part of the ongoing negotiations. The guerrillas pointed to 54-year-old Ron Sander and said, "You're going home." Sander gathered letters from the others to bring back home and was escorted from the camp. For the remaining seven hostages, Sander was a symbol of their hope that they too might eventually return to their families.

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