Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thomas Kinkade Sunday Outing painting

Thomas Kinkade Sunday Outing paintingThomas Kinkade spirit of xmas paintingThomas Kinkade Serenity Cove painting
Extraordinary Society of Potioneers?"
"No. I don't think so, sir. I'm Muggle-born, you see."
Harry saw Malfoy lean close to Nott and whisper something; both of them sniggered, but Slughorn showed no dismay; on the contrary, he beamed and looked from Hermione to Harry, who was sitting next to her.
"Oho! ‘One of my best friends is Muggle-born, and she's the best in our year!' I'm assuming this is the very friend of whom you spoke, Harry?"
"Yes, sir," said Harry.
"Well, well, take twenty well-earned points for Gryffindor, Miss Granger," said Slughorn genially.
Malfoy looked rather as he had done the time Hermione had punched him in the face. Hermione turned to Harry with a radiant expression and whispered, "Did you really tell him I'm the best in the year? Oh, Harry!"

Joseph Mallord William Turner Fishermen at Sea painting

Joseph Mallord William Turner Fishermen at Sea paintingJohn Singer Sargent Venetian Canal paintingJohn Singer Sargent The Rialto painting
Hold it!" said Hermione, throwing out an arm and halting a passing fourth year, who was attempting to push past her with a lime-green disk clutched tightly in his hand. "Fanged Frisbees banned, hand it over," she told him sternly. The scowling boy handed over the snarling Frisbee, ducked under her arm, and took off after his friends. Ron waited for him to vanish, then tugged the Frisbee from Hermione's grip.
"Excellent, I've always wanted one of these."
Hermione's remonstration was drowned by a loud giggle; Lavender Brown had apparently found Ron's remark highly amusing. She continued to laugh as she passed them, glancing back at Ron over her shoulder. Ron looked rather pleased with himself.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thomas Kinkade Mountain Paradise painting

Thomas Kinkade Mountain Paradise painting
Thomas Kinkade Mountain Memories painting
the long black tail of a thestral flicked past. His legs, jammed into the sidecar by Hedwig's cage and his rucksack, were already sore and starting to go numb. So great was his discomfort that he almost forgot to take a last glimpse of number four Privet Drive. By the time he looked over the edge of the sidecar he could no longer tell which one it was.

   And then, out of nowhere, out of nothing, they were surrounded. At least thirty hooded figures, suspended in midair, formed a vast circle in the middle of which the Order members had risen, oblivious –

Turner The Grand Canal Venice painting

Turner The Grand Canal Venice painting
John Singer Sargent El Jaleo painting
they've all got some connection with the Order: my house, Kingsley's place, Molly's Auntie Muriel's – you get the idea."

   "Yeah," said Harry, not entirely truthfully, because he could still spot a gaping hole in the plan.

   "You'll be going to Tonks's parents. Once you're within the boundaries of the protective enchantments we've put on their house you'll be able to use a Portkey to the Burrow. Any questions?"

   "Er – yes," said Harry. "Maybe they won't know which of the twelve secure houses I'm heading for at first, but won't it be sort of obvious once" – he performed a quick headcount – "fourteen of us fly off toward Tonks's parents?"

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Frank Dicksee Romeo and Juliet painting

Frank Dicksee Romeo and Juliet painting
Copley Watson and the Shark painting

   There was a deafening bang and the sidecar broke away from the bike completely. Harry sped forward, propelled by the impetus of the bike's flight, then the sidecar began to lose height –

   In desperation Harry pointed his wand at the sidecar and shouted, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

   The sidecar rose like a cork, unsteerable but at least still airborne. He had but a split second's relief, however, as more curses streaked past him: The three Death Eaters were closing in.

   "I'm comin', Harry!" Hagrid yelled from out of the darkness, but Harry could feel the sidecar beginning to sink again: Crouching as low as he could, he pointed at the middle of the oncoming figures and yelled, "Impedimenta

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pablo Picasso The Old Guitarist painting

Pablo Picasso The Old Guitarist painting
Pablo Picasso Girl Before a Mirror painting

Background Pittsburgh modified TNM criteria is one of the prognostic models of orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In this study, we applied this prognostic system in a series of HCC patients receiving OLT to verify its reliability in the clinical prognostic prediction.Methods The clinical record and follow-up data of 102 patients with HCC underwent OLT was collected. The patients were classified by 3 staging systems: the Pittsburgh Modified TNM Criteria, International Union Against Cancer (UICC) pTNM Staging System, and Milan Criteria. Survival rates of the patients were analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method and the Log-Rank test, and then the prognostic values of the 3 staging systems were compared.

Friday, July 25, 2008

John William Waterhouse The Lady of Shalott painting

John William Waterhouse The Lady of Shalott painting
Leonardo da Vinci The Last Supper painting
freedom in the world? There is only one threat to peace, and one threat to freedom that which is presented by the international Communist movement. And therefore, if we are to have peace, if we are to keep our own freedom and extend it to others without war, we must know how to deal with the Communists and their leaders. I know Mr. Khruchev I also have had the opportunity of knowing and meeting other Communist leaders in the world, I believe there are certain principles we must find in dealing with him and his colleagues, principles if followed, will keep the peace and that also can extend freedom.First, we have to learn from the past, because we cannot afford to make the mistakes of the past. In the seven years before this administration came into power in Washington, we found that six hundred million people went behind the Iron Curtain, and at the end of that seven years, we were engaged

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thomas Kinkade San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf painting

Thomas Kinkade San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf painting
Thomas Kinkade Paris City of Lights painting
held their rifles to their shoulders and, blazing away, began running toward the reviewing stand. A second grenade was thrown. One rifleman walked right up to the railing within four feet of Sadat and sprayed the reviewing stand. Eyewitness said the gunfire lasted at least a minute. It took that long for the crowd to react. Those on the VIP platform tumbled from their chairs to the floor. Screaming and shouting erupted, and panic seized the crowd that began to flee in all directions. Many of them fell over one another, bodies littered the ground. Security guards of police----no one is sure----began firing, felling one of the attackers.

Frida Kahlo Self Portrait with Monkey painting

Frida Kahlo Self Portrait with Monkey painting
Frida Kahlo Diego and Frida painting
The photos of the happy event are going to whoever can pony up a rumored $1 million to $2 million, according to the editor of Britain’s OK! magazine, which is bidding on the rights to the wedding photos, the practice of celebrities selling their own private photos is far more common in Europe than in the United States. Zeta-Jones gave birth to the couple’s first child, Dylan, on Aug. 8. Photos of the newborn were reportedly sold for $1 million overseas. The future Mr. and Mrs. Douglas appear next in Steven Soderbergh’s drama Traffic. Douglas has lined up his next role in a thriller by Kiss the Girls director Gary Fleder. In the film, called Don’t Say a Word, he’ll play a psychiatrist whose daughter is kidnapped. It starts shooting Nov. 29. The entrapment actress, meanwhile, is eyeing a role in the romantic comedy America’s Sweethearts

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rembrandt Rembrandt night watch painting

Rembrandt Rembrandt night watch painting
Rembrandt Belshazzar's Feast painting
With 42 million transistors -- 50 percent more than Intel's current Pentium III -- and a size that's twice as big as its predecessor, Intel could run into problems when it cranks up production to millions of units, Merrill Lynch analyst Joe Osha noted. "Not only is Intel facing the first processor core switch-over in several years, but the core transition is coming on top of what we believe will be an unusually tough manufacturing process transition," Osha wrote in a note to clients. "We'll give Intel credit for being the best manufacturer in the business, but we'll be interested in seeing how Intel handles the transitions following the miscues on the more straightforward move to 0.18 micron last year."On top of that, with each successive boost in microprocessor speed, the debate of whether PC users really need that much performance to run spreadsheets,

Vincent van Gogh The Starry Night painting

Vincent van Gogh The Starry Night painting
Frank Dicksee La Belle Dame Sans Merci painting
Network Appliance plunged $12-3/4 to $51-7/16. Among the Nasdaq heavyweights, leading Web gear maker Cisco, the most actively traded issue on Nasdaq, fell $4-15/16 to $33-5/16, having also scraped a fresh 52-week low at $32-5/8 early in the day. The decline sent the S&P Computer Networking index (^SPLANS) down a whopping 13 percent. "The NAPM report paints the picture, the economy is slowing, technology spending is slowing, and that's what's hitting the techs," said Prudential's Piskorowski. "And you had the Robertson Stephens call this morning, which is playing on ... people don't want to step up and buy on the weakness."

Alphonse Maria Mucha Untitled Alphonse Maria Mucha painting

Alphonse Maria Mucha Untitled Alphonse Maria Mucha painting
William Bouguereau Cupid and Psyche as Children painting

Two rare koalas described as "the cutest things you have ever seen" have been stolen from the San Francisco Zoo, and officials said they feared the animals would not survive long, December 27, 2000. Zoo officials expressed concern that the missing koalas would fare poorly without specialized care. Leanne, a seven-year-old-koala, shown in this undated file photo and Pat, 15, were last seen late December 26 in their adjacent enclosures.
SAN FRANCISCO - Two rare koalas described as "the cutest things you have ever seen" have been stolen from the San Francisco Zoo, and officials said on Wednesday they feared the animals would not survive long. "They are not only threatened but they are very, very difficult to take care of, and we fear for their safety," zoo spokeswoman Nancy Chan said.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Andrea Mantegna paintings

Andrea Mantegna paintings
Arthur Hughes paintings
one has publicly claimed credit for installing the monolith. The structure reminded Rebecca Sargent of Machu Picchu, the ancient Incan ruins — similar vibe, she said.Her husband, Denny, was a little more cynical, humming the Space Odyssey theme as he moved forward to touch it. "I feel my intelligence increasing by the moment," he said.It wouldn't be the city's first experience with anonymous art, if that's what it is. There was the 700-pound steel ball and shackles placed on the right leg of the Seattle Art Museum's Hammering Man. And there was the 1,800-pound metal heart Jason Sprinkle — "Subculture Joe" — placed at Westlake Park in 1996, in protest of various issues. That stunt cleared out a swath of downtown when police decided the artwork might contain a bomb, which it didn't.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Christ painting

Christ painting
church painting in the local paper and said 'We can't afford our own course, why not buy one on the moon?' and we just sort of went from there."The club logged onto, a celestial real estate agent in the United Kingdom and paid $145 for 10 acres of land. This is a fraction of what they would have paid to rebuild their own course, which Hunter estimates would cost more than $1 million.A few weeks later, they received a deed to their very own lunar land from the "Lunar Embassy." A Loophole You Could Putt Through"Since the Internet, our company has just taken off," says Dennis Hope, founder of the Lunar Embassy in California.Hope has already sold property to an estimated 700,000 people

Friday, July 18, 2008

Edward Hopper paintings

Edward Hopper paintings
Edgar Degas paintings
innocent of all charges because I am innocent. It is absolutely ridiculous for anyone to blame me for anyone else's actions." Co-defendant and bodyguard Anthony "Wolf" Jones, who was also acquitted, also released a statement through Combs' publicist, saying, "Even though Shyne is like my little brother, I do not agree with what he has said. Throughout the case Puff was supportive of both of us and generously helped us with our legal bills. I was right by Puff's side all evening and everything he has said about what happened was completely true. I'm upset for Shyne, but it's crazy to think that Puff could be responsible for anyone else's actions." Barrow, who released a self-titled debut album in September on Combs' Bad Boy Records label, is facing up to 25 years in prison for his convictions on assault, reckless endangerment, and gun possession charges; he was acquitted of the more serious charge of attempted murder.

Amedeo Modigliani the Seated Nude painting

Amedeo Modigliani the Seated Nude painting
Gustav Klimt lady with fan painting
But his writing soon became a psychological link to his loved ones. As hope grew thin, he used the diary to tell his family the things he feared he might never get to say. Though Weber says escape was constantly on his mind, there was little opportunity. And even if he could have gotten away, an escape would have left his fellow hostages in danger of reprisal from their captors. "The problem is, you have seven other people out there that depend on you," he explains. "There just wasn't a good way to do it without hurting somebody else." On Jan. 24, it looked as if one of the hostages would be freed as part of the ongoing negotiations. The guerrillas pointed to 54-year-old Ron Sander and said, "You're going home." Sander gathered letters from the others to bring back home and was escorted from the camp. For the remaining seven hostages, Sander was a symbol of their hope that they too might eventually return to their families.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Yvonne Jeanette Karlsen Eva painting

Yvonne Jeanette Karlsen Eva painting
Fabian Perez Callesde San Telmo II painting
equivalent of more than $350,000 a day.According to the group that manages the United Kingdom’s payment clearance system, such counterfeit fraud is responsible for losses of $72 million in Britain in 1999. That figure almost doubled last year and is expected to double again this year. And experts say skimming is also one of the most difficult types of credit card fraud to prevent, because the criminals work so fast that they leave almost no trace.Working the Skimming Scam Here's how the scam is run. Criminal gangs recruit gofers, who then find temporary work within restaurants, hotels and retail outlets.

Berthe Morisot Boats on the Seine painting

Berthe Morisot Boats on the Seine painting
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres The Grande Odalisque painting

After more than four years of underwater searching and digging, archaeologists today displayed the remains of a vanished Egyptian city.
The scientists discovered Herakleion, the precursor to the once-powerful capital of Alexandria, beneath the sand under just 10 or so yards of water.Today, they showed off some of their most impressive finds atop a barge, including 20-foot-tall pink granite statues representing a pharoah, a queen and Hapi, the Nile goddess of flooding; and a 10-ton black granite stela, or engraved stone, with "Rahinet," the Egyptian name for Herakleion, inscribed on its bottom. 'Mouth of the Sea’The stone, some 19 feet tall and 9 feet wide, had been in 15 pieces under the sea bottom, and was one of the largest ever found. The scientists also displayed another such slab, about one-third the size.

William Merritt Chase paintings

William Merritt Chase paintings
William Blake paintings
Calculating Turtle KillsWhile no one has recently attempted to go out and count the total numbers of turtles that are crushed by cars throughout the United States every year, Gibbs decided to make an educated estimate. To do this he considered three main factors: the number of roads in the United States, traffic density and the speed (or lack thereof) with which turtles cross the two-tire-width kill zone of a road (about 5-10 seconds). He found that turtle populations in the Northeast, Southeast and Great Lakes region suffer at least a 10 percent annual kill rate from road kills, and that some of these regions likely have up to 20 percent mortality rates due to traffic encounters. Those rates are high enough, says Gibbs, to seriously deplete turtle populations and could well account for the fact that wood turtles, Blandings turtles and box turtles have nearly vanished from many regions in recent years.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Diane Romanello paintings

Diane Romanello paintings
Diego Rivera paintings
The one area where monarchs are less subject to the whims of the people is the Middle East.Most of the monarchs there rule traditionally, claiming divine right and reigning with near-absolute power.The kings of Morocco and Jordan say they are part of the lineage of the prophet Mohammed. Saudi Arabia's House of Saud says it has traditionally been the guardian of the holy sites of Islam.Rami Khouri, an internationally syndicated political columnist based in Amman, Jordan, said that among the world's monarchies, these would be the most likely to next move to republicanism.The more a country is economically developed, the more money people have, the more they will want to take part in decisions that influence their fate, he said."That's what happened in Europe," he said.

Piano painting

Piano painting
Seascapes paintings

Nearly half of all the waters off the coast of the United States are so damaged they cannot fully support aquatic life, an Environmental Protection Agency report released today said.
For instance, more clams once came from the Great South Bay on New York's Long Island than any other place in the United States. But the harvest has deteriorated steadily since 1976."Certain clamming areas are closed after rain because of runoff," said fisherman Gordon Roman. "People are making livings other ways. Clamming is a very hard way to make a living."Long Island is hardly the exception.The EPA gave poor marks to the Northeast and Great Lakes. The worst coastal waters, it said, were in the Gulf of Mexico, where in some places there is no fishing at all. The best marks went to waters off the Southeast and West coasts, but those were graded only "fair."

Cottage painting

Cottage painting
Dancer painting

THE Shanghai Wildlife Park is holding an "Olympic Games" for animals.The sports meeting starts at about 10:00am each day and the "Games" will run to October 20.
THE Shanghai Wildlife Park is holding an "Olympic Games" for animals and welcomes sports fans. More than 300 animals from around the country will be competing in the 2nd National Sports Meeting for Animals.   To the accompanying music of "The Sportsmen's March", elephants, camels, monkeys, zebras, sheep and bears will march onto the field. They will be competing in the various contests of the "Games" including bicycle racing, skating, gymnastics, boxing, football and rope skipping. Boxing is always a highlight as the two best fighters - the bears - are said to be the respective kings of the South and the North.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Claude Monet Venice Twilight painting

Claude Monet Venice Twilight painting
Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son painting
materials, such as rock or carbon compounds. Detailed close-ups sent immediately after Cassini entered orbit were in black and white. Another vivid set of ring images released previously used infrared photography. The seven major rings are named A through G, although they are not arrayed in alphabetical order. The brightest part of the new image is the B ring, a nearly 16,000-mile-wide ring that has many bands with a distinct sandy color. Color variations in the rings were previously seen by the Hubble Space Telescope and the Voyager spacecraft that flew past Saturn in 1980 and 1981. But the variations are more distinct as seen from Cassini, NASA said. Cassini is the first spacecraft to orbit Saturn. The $3.3 billion mission is a joint project of NASA and the European and Italian space agencies.

Alphonse Maria Mucha Winter painting

Alphonse Maria Mucha Winter painting
Alphonse Maria Mucha Monaco Monte Carlo painting
Among them: Do parents with no formal training as teachers know how to handle a variety of subjects or to tailor instruction for children of different ages? Do students get the same materials they would have at schools, from books to science labs? Are families with two working parents prepared to live off a single income so that one parent can teach at home? Also, Feinberg said, parents must consider whether their children will emerge from home schooling with limited exposure to other children and various cultures. More federal research is needed to help resolve such questions about home schooling, he said. "At some point, children are going to have to interact with the rest of the world," he said. "If they haven't had the opportunity to build their emotional muscles so they have that capacity to interact, how effective are they going to be outside their cloistered environment?"

Monday, July 14, 2008

Eugene de Blaas paintings

Eugene de Blaas paintings
Eduard Manet paintings
Hobbs, 34, took authorities to the bodies just off a bike path early Monday, claiming he had spotted them while searching for the girl with Laura's grandfather, Arthur Hollabaugh.Hobbs was questioned through the day Monday and again Tuesday. The county coroner, Richard Keller, said the girls were found side-by-side, facing up and did not appear to have been sexually assaulted. They appeared to have been killed near where they were found, he said.
After the national cheerleading championships in San Antonio in January, administrators at the American Cheerleaders Association gathered to review their event.
After the national cheerleading championships in San Antonio in January, administrators at the American Cheerleaders Association gathered to review their event. In addition to marveling at the athleticism and spirit of the 4,000 students, much of the talk revolved around the increasingly sexual nature of their moves. In fact, the cheerleading organization considered sending a notice to next year's participants: Tone it down.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

China oil paintings

China oil paintings
treat after dinner. But they are creatures of habit and instinct, especially when it comes to food, work, and attention. I often think of them as stuff-pots wedded to ritual, resistant and nervous about change.I don't believe that dogs act out of spite or that they can plot retribution, though countless dog owners swear otherwise. To punish or deceive requires the perpetrator to understand that his victim or object has a particular point of view and to consciously work to manipulate or thwart it. That requires mental processes dogs don't have. The more I've moved away from interpreting my dogs' behavior as nearly human, the easier it is to train them, and the less guilt and anxiety I feel.To attribute complex thoughts and plots to their actions unravels the training process. Training and living with a dog requires a different theory: that these primal, predatory animals driven by instinct. Rather than seeking animal clues to her dog's behavior, Heather imagined herself as the dog. She reasoned that if she, Heather, were suddenly left alone

Friday, July 11, 2008

Paul McCormack Cavalier painting

Paul McCormack Cavalier painting
Albert Bierstadt Valley in Kings Canyon painting
PreludeAs a saying goes, the wheel of fortune is constantly spinning in turns, to be in honor for thirty years will turn to be in disgrace for forty years, and prosperity swings to poverty, and then poor turns to wealthy, it keeps rotating beyond your control. Nevertheless, a lot of people don’t believe it and regard it as a kind of superstition. At any rate, I strongly believe it and my gut feeling tells me that our life is controlled by our designated destine. As Confucius says “life and death have destined times; wealth and honors rest with heaven”. When I was only little, I heard the older generation in my family boast my forebears were super rich for many generations. Though later on when it came down to my great grandpa’s generation, the overall circumstances were declining, he still managed to make some fortune out of speculating in trade of gold bullions. Nevertheless, unfortunately my great grandpa at last still lost all his fortune in his greedy speculation; therefore, it was the end of a good fortune and a beginning of a bad cycle.
A Chinese phrase reads --- Duo Shi Zhi Qiu – it is an eventful time, I was borne in autumn, as if it has destined my life to have a lot more pitfalls than anybody else does. Truly in my memory, it has never been a plain sailing in my life since I was borne in this big family, which had already downgraded to an only better-off status in the old Shanghai times. Anyhow, when I finally came to this world, the old Shanghai was already gone by, so was my better-off family. No wonder my mother was saying that I didn’t even feel bothered

Alexei Alexeivich Harlamoff paintings

Alexei Alexeivich Harlamoff paintings
Aubrey Beardsley paintings
is a curious thing that at my age - fifty-five last birthday - I should find myself taking up a pen to try and write a history. I wonder what sort of a history it will be when I have done it, if I ever come to the end of the trip! I have done a good many things in my life, which seems a long one to me, owing to my having begun so young, perhaps. At an age when other boys are at school I was earning my living as a trader in the old Colony. I have been trading, hunting, fighting, or mining ever since. And yet it is only eight months ago that I made my pile. It is a big pile now I have got it - I don't yet know how big - but I don't think I would go through the last fifteen or sixteen months again for it; no, not if I knew that I should come out safe at the end, pile and all. But then, I am a timid man, and don't like violence, and am pretty sick of adventure. I wonder why I am going to write this book; it is not in my line. I am not a literary man, though very devoted to the Old Testament and also to the "Ingoldsby Legends." Let me try and set down my reasons, just to see if I have any.
First reason: Because Sir Henry Curtis and Captain John Good asked me to.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Martin Johnson Heade A Magnolia on Red Velvet painting

Martin Johnson Heade A Magnolia on Red Velvet painting
Daniel Ridgway Knight Knight Picking Flowers painting
sniffed Susan. "She would have you out of your hard-earned bed in the middle of the night, doctor, dear, if she took a spell of misery, that she would. And then she would likely say your bill was past all reason. But do not mind her, doctor, dear. It takes all kinds of people to make a world."
No further word came from Leslie for some time. The May days crept away in a sweet succession and the shores of Four Winds Harbor greened and bloomed and purpled. One day in late May Gilbert came home to be met by Susan in the stable yard.
"I am afraid something has upset Mrs. Doctor, doctor, dear," she said mysteriously. "She got a letter this afternoon and since then she has just been walking round the garden and talking to herself. You know it is not good for her to be on her feet so much, doctor, dear. She did not see fit to tell me what her news was, and I am no pry, doctor, dear, and never was, but it is plain something has upset her. And it is not good for her to be upset."
Gilbert hurried rather anxiously to the garden. Had anything happened at

Paul McCormack Cavalier painting

Paul McCormack Cavalier painting
Albert Bierstadt Valley in Kings Canyon painting
people die, Anne, dearie? It's kind of pitiful. Here's ten obituaries, and every one of them saints and models, even the men. Here's old Peter Stimson, who has `left a large circle of friends to mourn his untimely loss.' Lord, Anne, dearie, that man was eighty, and everybody who knew him had been wishing him dead these thirty years. Read obituaries when you're blue, Anne, dearie--especially the ones of folks you know. If you've any sense of humor at all they'll cheer you up, believe me. I just wish I had the writing of the obituaries of some people. Isn't `obituary' an awful ugly word? This very Peter I've been speaking of had a face exactly like one. I never saw it but I thought of the word obituary then and there. There's only one uglier word that I know of, and that's relict. Lord, Anne, dearie, I may be an old maid, but there's this comfort in it--I'll never be any man's `relict.'"
"It is an ugly word," said Anne, laughing. "Avonlea graveyard was full of old tombstones `sacred to the memory of So-and-So, relict of the late So-and-So.' It always made me think

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tamara de Lempicka Self Portrait in Green Bugatti painting

Tamara de Lempicka Self Portrait in Green Bugatti painting
Daniel Ridgway Knight The Honeymoon Breakfast painting
got sorter lost looking for God, being under the impression that He's hard to find--which He ain't never. Most of 'em blunder to Him after awhile, I guess. I don't think listening to Mr. Howard's arguments is likely to do me much harm. Mind you, I believe what I was brought up to believe. It saves a vast of bother--and back of it all, God is good. The trouble with Mr. Howard is that he's a leetle too clever. He thinks that he's bound to live up to his cleverness, and that it's smarter to thrash out some new way of getting to heaven than to go by the old track the common, ignorant folks is travelling. But he'll get there sometime all right, and then he'll laugh at himself."
"Mr. Howard was a Methodist to begin with," said Miss Cornelia, as if she thought he had not far to go from that to heresy.
"Do you know, Cornelia," said Captain Jim gravely, "I've often thought that if I wasn't a Presbyterian I'd be a Methodist."
"Oh, well," conceded Miss Cornelia, "if you weren't a Presbyterian

Howard Behrens paintings

Howard Behrens paintings
Henri Fantin-Latour paintings
She should have more respect for his holy office, then," retorted Mrs. Rachel.
"I've heard you criticise ministers pretty sharply yourself," teased Anne.
"Yes, but I do it reverently," protested Mrs. Lynde. "You never heard me nickname a minister."
Anne smothered a smile.
"Well, there are Diana and Fred and little Fred and Small Anne Cordelia--and Jane Andrews. I wish I could have Miss Stacey and Aunt Jamesina and Priscilla and Stella. But Stella is in Vancouver, and Pris is in Japan, and Miss Stacey is married in California, and Aunt Jamesina has gone to India to explore her daughter's mission field, in spite of her horror of snakes. It's really dreadful--the way people get scattered over the globe."
"The Lord never intended it, that's what," said Mrs. Rachel authoritatively. "

Andrew Atroshenko paintings

Andy Warhol Neuschwanstein
Alfred Gockel paintings
especially. It was just the shade of green that brought out the rich tints of her hair, and the starry gray of her eyes and the iris-like delicacy of her skin. Gilbert, glancing at her sideways as they walked along a shadowy woodpath, thought she had never looked so lovely. Anne, glancing sideways at Gilbert, now and then, thought how much older he looked since his illness. It was as if he had put boyhood behind him forever.
The day was beautiful and the way was beautiful. Anne was almost sorry when they reached Hester Gray's garden, and sat down on the old bench. But it was beautiful there, too -- as beautiful as it had been on the faraway day of the Golden Picnic, when Diana and Jane and Priscilla and she had found it. Then it had been lovely with narcissus and violets; now golden rod had kindled its fairy torches in the corners and asters dotted it bluely. The call of the brook came up through the woods from the valley of birches with all its old allurement; the mellow air was full of the purr of the sea; beyond were fields rimmed by fences bleached silvery gray in the suns of many summers, and long hills scarfed with the shadows of autumnal clouds; with the blowing of the west wind old dreams returned.

Monday, July 7, 2008

childe hassam At the Piano painting

childe hassam At the Piano painting
Martin Johnson Heade A Magnolia on Red Velvet painting
feels dretful tickled when I git a compliment. Jog along, black mare. Well, here we are. I hope you'll git on well in the school, miss. There's a short cut to it through the ma'sh back of Janet's. If you take that way be awful keerful. If you once got stuck in that black mud you'd be sucked right down and never seen or heard tell of again till the day of judgment, like Adam Palmer's cow. Jog along, black mare."
Next chapter: Chapter XXXI -- Anne to Philippalove me," answered Mrs. Skinner, solemnly.
Anne opened her eyes widely and looked at Mrs. Skinner. But there was not a glint of humor on that lady's face. Evidently Mrs. Skinner saw nothing amusing in her own case.
"He'd been a widder-man for three yers, and his sister kept house for him. Then she got married and he just wanted some onethan Thomas!' Just wait, miss, till I shift these bags a bit and I'll tuck you in somehow. It's only two miles to Janet's. Her next-door neighbor's hired boy is coming for your trunk tonight. My her face was as round and red as a harvest-moon and almost as featureless. She wore a tight, black

Vincent van Gogh Cafe Terrace at Night painting

Vincent van Gogh Cafe Terrace at Night painting
Eduard Manet Two Roses On A Tablecloth painting
I'm contrasting the claims of indoors and out," said Anne, looking from the window of Patty's Place to the distant pines of the park.
"I've an afternoon to spend in sweet doing nothing, Aunt Jimsie. Shall I spend it here where there is a cosy fire, a plateful of delicious russets, three purring and harmonious cats, and two impeccable china dogs with green noses? Or shall I go to the park, where there is the lure of gray woods and of gray water lapping on the harbor rocks?"
"If I was as young as you, I'd decide in favor of the park," said Aunt Jamesina, tickling Joseph's yellow ear with a knitting needle.
"I thought that you claimed to be as young as any of us, Aunty," teased Anne.
"Yes, in my soul. But I'll admit my legs aren't as young as yours. You go

Diego Rivera The Flower Seller painting

Diego Rivera The Flower Seller painting
Frank Dicksee Romeo and Juliet painting
to say to Miss Maria, `My father has hanged himself, my mother has taken poison, my brother is in the penitentiary, and I am in the last stages of consumption,' Miss Maria would laugh. She can't help it -- she was born so; but is very sad and awful.
"The fifth old lady is Mrs. Grant. She is a sweet old thing; but she never says anything but good of anybody and so she is a very uninteresting conversationalist.
"And now for Jonas, Anne.
"That first day I came I saw a young man sitting opposite me at the table, smiling at me as if he had known me from my cradle. I knew, for Uncle Mark had told me, that his name was Jonas Blake, that he was a Theological Student from St. Columbia, and that he had taken charge of the Point Prospect Mission Church for the summer.
"He is a very ugly young man -- really, the ugliest young man I've ever seen. He has a big, loose-jointed figure with absurdly long legs. His hair is tow-color and lank, his eyes are green, and his mouth is big, and his ears -- but I never think about his ears if I can help it.
"He has a lovely voice -- if you shut your eyes he is adorable -- and he certainly has

Friday, July 4, 2008

Pablo Picasso Two Women Running on the Beach The Race painting

Pablo Picasso Two Women Running on the Beach The Race painting
Louis Aston Knight A Bend in the River painting
was out of the buggy by this time, and Davy was rapturously hugging her knees, while even Dora was clinging to her hand.
"Isn't that a bully bonfire, Anne? Just let me show you how to poke it -- see the sparks? I did it for you, Anne, 'cause I was so glad you were coming home."
The kitchen door opened and Marilla's spare form darkened against the inner light. She preferred to meet Anne in the shadows, for she was horribly afraid that she was going to cry with joy -- she, stern, repressed Marilla, who thought all display of deep emotion unseemly. Mrs. Lynde was behind her, sonsy, kindly, matronly, as of yore. The love that Anne had told Phil was waiting for her surrounded her and enfolded her with its blessing and its sweetness. Nothing, after all, could compare with old ties, old friends, and old Green Gables! How starry Anne's eyes were as they sat down to the loaded supper table, how pink her cheeks, how silver-clear her laughter!

Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa Painting painting

Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa Painting painting
Claude Monet Venice Twilight painting
What did Alec and Alonzo feel like when you came away?" queried Priscilla.
"Oh, they still have hope. I told them they'd have to wait till I could make up my mind. They're quite willing to wait. They both worship me, you know. Meanwhile, I intend to have a good time. I expect I shall have heaps of beaux at Redmond. I can't be happy unless I have, you know. But don't you think the freshmen are fearfully homely?
I saw only one really handsome fellow among them. He went away before you came. I heard his chum call him Gilbert. His chum had eyes that stuck out THAT FAR. But you're not going yet, girls? Don't go yet."
"I think we must," said Anne, rather coldly. "It's getting late, and I've some work to do."
"But you'll both come to see me, won't you?" asked Philippa, getting up and putting an arm around each. "And let me come to see you. I want to be chummy with you. I've taken such

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jean-Leon Gerome paintings

Jean-Leon Gerome paintings
Lorenzo Lotto paintings
but I wouldn't give in. I see now that I expected too much of a man. And I was real foolish to mind his bad grammar. It doesn't matter if a man does use bad grammar so long as he is a good provider and along with a man. So she's here and she's going to stay. . .seeing that Ginger's dead and the Island's some bigger than she thought. There's Mrs. Lynde and her now. No, don't go, Anne. Stay and get acquainted with Emily. She took quite a notion to you Saturday. . . wanted to know who thatminister number one was in the very middle of saying grace, Ginger, who was on the veranda outside the dining room window, lifted up his voice. The gobbler had come into view in the yard and the sight of a gobbler always had an unwholesome effect on Ginger. He surpassed himself that time. You bickered along like that and it wasn't exactly pleasant, but we might have got used to each other after a spell if it hadn't been for Ginger. Ginger was the rock we split on at last. Emily didn't like parrots and she couldn't stand Ginger's profane habits of speech. I was attached to the bird for my brother the sailor's sake. My brother the sailor was a pet of mine when we were little tads and

Francois Boucher paintings

Francois Boucher paintings
Frank Dicksee paintings
One blithe June morning, a fortnight after Uncle Abe's storm, Anne came slowly through the Green Gables yard from the garden, carrying in her hands two blighted stalks of white narcissus.
"Look, Marilla," she said sorroly, holding up the flowers before the eyes of a grim lady, with her hair coifed in a green gingham apron, who was going into the house with a plucked chicken, "these are the only buds the storm spared. . .and even they are imperfect. I'm so sorry. . .I wanted some for Matthew's grave. He was always so fond of June lilies."
"I kind of miss them myself," admitted Marilla, "though it doesn't seem right to lament over them when so many worse things have happened. . .all the crops destroyed as well as the fruit

Wassily Kandinsky paintings

Wassily Kandinsky paintings
William Etty paintings
dropped out of everything. She's lived in that out of the way place until everybody has forgotten her. That stone house is one of the oldest on the Island. Old Mr. Lewis built it eighty years ago when he came out from England. Davy, stop joggling Dora's elbow. Oh, I saw you! You needn't try to look innocent. What does make you behave so this morning?"
"Maybe I got out of the wrong side of the bed," suggested Davy. "Milty Boulter says if you do that things are bound to go wrong with you all day. His grandmother told him. But which is the right side? And what are you to do when your bed's against the wall? I want to know."
"I've always wondered what went wrong between Stephen Irving and Lavendar Lewis," continued Marilla, ignoring Davy. "They were certainly engaged twenty-five years ago and then

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

oil painting from picture

oil painting from picture
famous painting
canvas painting
No, it's no use to worry Mr. Allan, especially now when the baby's so sick. Judson would slip away from him as smoothly as from us, although he has taken to going to church quite regularly just now. That is simply because Louisa Spencer's father is an elder and very particular about such things."
"Judson Parker is the only man in Avonlea who would dream of renting his fences," said Jane indignantly. "Even Levi Boulter or Lorenzo White would never stoop to that, tightfisted as they are. They would have too much respect for public opinion."
Public opinion was certainly down on Judson Parker when the facts became known, but that did not help matters much. Judson chuckled to himself and defied it, and the Improvers were trying to reconcile themselves to the prospect of seeing the prettiest part of the Newbridge road defaced by advertisements, when Anne rose quietly at the president's call for reports of committees on the occasion of the next meeting of the Society, and announced that Mr. Judson Parker had instructed

painting in oil

painting in oil
already accomplished wonders. Early in the spring Mr. Major Spencer had redeemed his promise and had stumped, graded, and seeded down all the road front of his farm. A dozen other men, some prompted by a determination not to let a Spencer get ahead of them, others goaded into action by Improvers in their own households, had followed his example. The result was that there were long strips of smooth velvet turf where once had been unsightly undergrowth or brush. The farm fronts that had not been done looked so badly by contrast that their owners were secretly shamed into resolving to see what they could do another spring. The triangle of ground at the cross roads had also been cleared and seeded down, and Anne's bed of geraniums, unharmed by any marauding cow, was already set out in the center.
Altogether, the Improvers thought that they were getting on beautifully, even if Mr. Levi

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres The Grande Odalisque painting

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres The Grande Odalisque painting
Bartolome Esteban Murillo Madonna with the Rosary painting
Anne, walking home from school through the Birch Path one November afternoon, felt convinced afresh that life was a very wonderful thing. The day had been a good day; all had gone well in her little kingdom. St. Clair Donnell had not fought any of the other boys over the question of his name; Prillie Rogerson's face had been so puffed up from the effects of toothache that she did not once try to coquette with the boys in her vicinity. Barbara Shaw had met with only one accident. . .spilling a dipper of water over the floor. . .and Anthony Pye had not been in school at all.
"What a nice month this November has been!" said Anne, who had never quite got over her childish habit of talking to herself. "November is usually such a disagreeable month. . .as if the year had suddenly found out that she was growing old and could do nothing but weep and fret over it. This year is growing old gracefully. . .just like a stately old lady who knows she can be charming even with gray hair and wrinkles. We've had lovely days and delicious twilights. This last fortnight has been so peaceful, and even Davy has been almost well-behaved. I really think he is improving a great deal.

Lord Frederick Leighton The Painter's Honeymoon painting

Lord Frederick Leighton The Painter's Honeymoon painting
Pierre Auguste Renoir La Moulin de la Galette painting
. He hardly ever talks."
"He's peculiar enough all right then," said Mr. Harrison drily. "Or at least, folks here will call him so. I never was much of a talker till I came to Avonlea and then I had to begin in self-defense or Mrs. Lynde would have said I was dumb and started a subscription to have me taught sign language. You're not going yet, Anne?"
"I must. I have some sewing to do for Dora this evening. Besides, Davy is probably breaking Marilla's heart with some new mischief by this time. This morning the first thing he said was, `Where does the dark go, Anne? I want to know.' I told him it went around to the other side of the world but after breakfast he declared it didn't. . .that it went down the well. Marilla says she caught him hanging over the well-box four times today, trying to reach down to the dark."
"He's a limb," declared Mr. Harrison. "He came over here yesterday and pulled six feathers out of Ginger's

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Claude Monet paintings

Claude Monet paintings
Charles Chaplin paintings
daresay she has sickened herself on those oats. I wish I'd sold her to Mr. Shearer when he wanted her last week, but I thought it was just as well to wait until we had the auction of the stock and let them all go together. I believe it is true about Mr. Harrison being a crank. Certainly there's nothing of the kindred spirit about him."
Anne had always a weather eye open for kindred spirits.
Marilla Cuthbert was driving into the yard as Anne returned from the house, and the latter flew to get tea ready. They discussed the matter at the tea table.
"I'll be glad when the auction is over," said Marilla. "It is too much responsibility having so much stock about the place and nobody but that unreliable Martin to look after them. He has never come back yet and he promised that he would certainly be back last night if I'd give him the day off to go to his aunt's funeral. I don't know how many aunts he has got, I am sure. That's the fourth that's died since he hired here a year ago. I'll be more than thankful when the crop