Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rodney White Nothing to Dream

Rodney White Nothing to DreamSung Kim PointSung Kim ParadiseSung Kim Palm Reflection
noise it had been making all along. It sounded like a sliver of a scream, caught in one long instant of time.
The iridescent man was doll-sized now, a tortured shape tumbling in slow motion while hanging in mid-air. Twoflower wondered why he had thought of the phrase "a sliver of a scream"...and began to wish he hadn't.
It was over with his head cradled in his arms and his body curled up tightly.
When the dust had settled Twoflower reached out gingerly and tapped the wizard on the shoulder.
The human ball rolled up tighter.
"It's me," explained Twoflower helpfully. The wizard unrolled a fraction.
"What?" he said.
"Me."beginning to look like Rincewind. The wizard's mouth was open, and his face was brilliantly lit by the light of - what? Strange suns, Twoflower found himself thinking. Suns men don't usually see. He shivered.Now the turning wizard was half man-size. At that point the growth was faster, there was a sudden crowded moment, a rush of air, and an explosion of sound. Rincewind tumbled out of the air, screaming. He hit the floor hard, choked, then rolled

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