Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Edward Hopper First Row Orchestra painting

Edward Hopper First Row Orchestra paintingEdward Hopper El Palacio paintingEdward Hopper Dawn In Pennsylvania painting
sucks. And Mahound, unnerved, repeats: "Stop. This is incorrect." Now, however, the woman is attending to the soles of his feet, cupping her hands beneath his heel . . . he kicks out, in his confusion, and catches her in the throat. She falls, coughs, then prostrates herself before him, and says firmly: "There is no God but Al-Lah, and Mahound is his Prophet." Mahound calms himself, apologizes, extends a hand. "No harm will come to you," he assures her. "All who Submit are spared." But there is a strange confusion in him, and now he understands why, understands the anger, the bitter irony in her overwhelming, excessive, sensual adoration of his feet. The woman throws off her veil: Hind.
"The wife of Abu Simbel," she announces clearly, and a hush falls. "Hind," Mahound says. "I had not forgotten."
But, after a long instant, he nods. "You have Submitted. And are welcome in my tents."
The next day, amid the continuing conversions, Salman the Persian

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